The Japanese Gift That Keeps On Giving – Radioactive Fallout From Fukushima
Written by Wellness Club on November 21, 2011 – 2:36 pm -The Japanese Gift That Keeps On Giving – Fukushima
By Nurse Mark
All is well – remain calm! Don’t worry – be happy! The crisis is over – there’s nothing to be concerned about.
Such is the going “line” from our government sources such as the U.S. EPA which monitored radiation levels until June and then stopped – er, I should say, “returned to routine RadNet operations.”
Even the Mainstream Media has, for the most part, shunned any additional reporting about the ongoing mess that the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster has become. Reporting has been sparse, and articles that have made it into print have tended to “disappear” quickly, being replaced promptly by more titillating stories about the shenanigans of Wall Street protesters and the foibles of Republican presidential hopefuls.
Recent news stories about long term cancer risk from Fukushima fallout caused little stir, received little airtime, and went away quickly.
An research paper published in the Journal of the European Geosciences Union indicates that some 79% of the initial fallout went into the Pacific ocean – with 2% of it continuing on to North America and Europe. Most Mainstream Media outlets that reported on this did so from the angle of “Whew! What good luck – it all went into the ocean!” without bothering to ask the obvious: We got 2% of how much?
Think about it: 2% of a dollar isn’t much money – but 2% of a million dollars… well, that’s a whole different ballgame!
This research paper, engagingly titled “Xenon-133 and caesium-137 releases into the atmosphere from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant: determination of the source term, atmospheric dispersion, and deposition” can be found here: http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/11/28319/2011/acpd-11-28319-2011.html
A few have looked at the disaster a little more critically – this article in Forbes Magazine is one: Harm from Fukushima Radiation: A Matter Of Perspective
And then there are some less mainstream reporters who have more alarming information to share with us – EnviroReporter.com is a website created by Michael Collins where he regularly updates readers with articles and videos graphically describing worrisome radiation levels being found all across the U.S. He presents video documentation of radiation findings in Los Angeles air and rain, Grand Canyon Rain, Japanese vegetable juice, and more.
Since it is obvious that barring any further surprises the worst of the immediate fallout has passed and we are now enjoying a much gentler, but very long-term fallout and contamination of our environment from Fukushima our personal health focus must shift from the concern of immediately protecting our thyroid glands from radioactive iodine fallout to a longer-term strategy of protecting ourselves from the low levels of radioactive contamination that are certain to assail us for years to come.
Immediate first aid for thyroid in the event of nuclear emergency is of course Potassium Iodide supplementation – we have written about it before, and even our government agrees.
Longer term thyroid protection comes from maintaining iodine levels at “sufficiency” – this can be achieved with Iodoral and measured with Iodine Testing.
Radioactive iodine is not the only contaminant to be concerned about though – radioactive cesium and other isotopes are being found and we must be prepared to protect ourselves from these dangers as well.
Modifilan was reportedly developed in Russia by scientists at the State Rehabilitation Institute, where victims of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe underwent treatment. It is helpful in Detoxifying the body from heavy metals, radioactive elements, free radicals and toxins. It is also an excellent source of organic iodine.
Modifilan would be an excellent addition to the daily health regimen of anyone with potential for exposure to low-level radioactive fallout.
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