How can I stay healthy while traveling?
Written by Wellness Club on March 11, 2008 – 6:30 pm -Ask Dr. Myatt:
Q: Is there anything specific someone could take to help prevent catching a virus while flying on a plane. I leave Friday for the holidays to spend with my family and I will be on the plane for about 10 hours going from a warm climate to freezing temperatures. What can help keep me healthy?
A: Wow! Ten hours on a plane! You probably know most of the drill… be really well-rested before your flight, avoid caffeine and alcohol while traveling, drink plenty of pure water, get up and stretch frequently, wash hands ~VERY~ frequently (remember, all those things that you touch in the terminal and aircraft have also been touched by a gazillion other people!). I have seen some people even wearing paper masks while in public areas and on aircraft (very common in Japan too) but really, most of these bugs are transmitted by hand contact. Be sure to eat high-protein meals and avoid sugars, fruit juices and simple carbs. Protein keeps the immune system strong, sugars and simple carbs suppress the immune system.
Now to some specifics – you will hopefully have all of this on hand…
- In addition to your regular daily MaxiMulti (you are taking 3 caps, 3 times daily, right?) you should take an extra 1000 mg of selenium http://www.drmyattswellnessclub.com/selenium.htm daily from now ’till you get home.
- Bromelain, 400 mg of 2400 GDU, one capsule three times daily between meals will help your immune system better resist any bugs, and will also help to prevent blood clots that can form while sitting immobile for a long time on the plane.
- Dr. Myatt’s Immune System Support - one capsule two times daily, and may increase to 2 caps three times daily for additional support if the immune system is under stress (like when travelling)
- Echinacea & Goldenseal tincture is a classic herbal immune formula. Dr. Myatt has the most potent available.
Now, if the above doesn’t keep you from catching something, your herbal “first aid kit” should contain:
- B.A.M. (Broad Anti Microbial) – 60 to 80 drops, 3 to 4 times a day
- Immune Boost http://www.drmyattswellnessclub.com/immuneformulas.htm#Immune Boost – 1 teaspoon, 1 to 4 times per day
- Energy Rehab - one-half to one teaspoon, 1 to 4 times per day
- Vitamin C – 500 to 1000 mg every two hours
These, taken AT THE VERY FIRST HINT OF A COLD OR FLU can be a big help to your body and can help to lessen the severity and possibly even the duration of the infection.
Additionally, for nasal congestion you can use INSPIROL inhalant; 4 to 6 times per day, for cough: Herbal Cough Elixer II , one teaspoon every 1 to 2 hours as needed, and for sore throat use Throat Mist every hour as needed.
This is a great question, and really timely – we will be including it in the next HealthBeat! If you don’t have some of the above items, and time is too short to get them before you leave, why not place an order for what you need, and have it shipped to your destination? That way it can be waiting for you when you arrive!
Have a great trip, and a wonderful holiday.
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