Login problems, Comments, And MMS Feedback
Written by Wellness Club on May 28, 2009 – 4:36 pm -By Nurse Mark
It looks like there are still a few gremlins and bugs in HealthBeat News… And since I’m the one who has to try to make all this stuff run right for you, I’m as busy as a one-armed paper-hanger today trying to sort them out…
It turns out that when we had an IT person setting up our new HealthBeat Blog website he set it up to require people to enter that nasty little letters-and-numbers thingy that is supposed to weed out the spam robots from signing up. It wasn’t working, and it is gone now!
We found out about this little problem when a couple of readers told us they tried to sign up and couldn’t…
Iggy was wanting to post a comment about our MMS article Is It Real, Or Just Another Sales-Pitch? Dr. Myatt Will Know! with his own experience and warning. Since he couldn’t post, I’m doing it for him – here are Iggy’s comments and Dr. Myatt’s reply to him:
Iggy wrote:
Hi Dr Myatt,
The reason I was trying to register was to reply to your article on MMS. I too didn’t have much luck with MMS except as a mouth wash. My dental hygienist couldn’t find any live microbes with her computer-microscope after I had rinsed with MMS….however I overdid it and didn’t rinse out the MMS with water. This caused a chemical erosion of the enamel on my teeth. My mistake was leaving the MMS residue in my mouth for over an hour before the appointment.
Dr. Myatt answered:
Hi Iggy:
Yeah, it’s a fairly caustic potion so I can imagine it’s not a good idea to use it undiluted as a mouthwash. Hydrogen peroxide works great for same, a 4% solution (or 2% and work your way up) and I’ve never seen it cause enamel problems.
We’ll get your comment posted while we figure out our "Fort Knox" problem!
Thanks for the input,
Dr. Myatt
My apologies to anyone else who may have been frustrated in trying to register or log-in – and please, let me know if you run into any other problems so I can work on making this the very best place for finding honest, unbiased, well-researched, scientific holistic health information!
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