12 Low Carb, Low Calorie Food Choices
Written by Wellness Club on June 22, 2018 – 12:25 pm -By Dr. Dana Myatt
If you’re trying to lose body fat, you’ve got a lot of company. With approximately 2/3 of adults in the U.S. are overweight and 1/3 seriously overweight, every other person and their dog is on some kind of weight loss diet.
Studies have shown that both low calorie and low carbohydrate diets are effective for weight (fat) loss, although low carb has some benefits over low calorie. But…. “whatever works.”
To that end, may I offer you 19 foods that are both low carb AND low cal so that whatever path you follow for fat loss, you’ll have some “free” foods to keep your mouth entertained and your stomach happy.
Because these foods are vegetables that many people find uninteresting, I have included several of my “go-to” recipes and serving suggestions for your dining pleasure.
1.) pickles/cucumbers – just a plain ol’ pickle or cucumber can take the edge off hunger. Homemade pickles can be an excellent source of probiotics and are easy to make.
2.) cauliflower – my favorite substitute for mashed potatoes, cauli is far lower in calories and carbs and much higher in diindolemethanes (anti-cancer substances).
Use them as a substitute for mashed potatoes or rice. Cauli-Tatoes are easy: http://drmyattswellnessclub.com/CauliTatoes.html
This Zuppa Toscana soup is better than Olive Garden’s recipe but WAY healthier http://drmyattswellnessclub.com/Zuppa.html
3.) “greens” (spinach, collard, beet, mustard, turnip). Have you ever tried saag at an East Indian restaurant? Serious yum. Here’s my recipe and you can mix and match the greens you use based on availability.
SAAG (East Indian style greens)
ginger/garlic (50:50) – 3 TBS.
onion – 3 ounces
butter – 1 tsp.
“greens” (any combo) – 12 ounces
tomato paste – 3 TBS
coriander/cumin (50:50) – 2 TBS
cottage cheese – 2 ounces
Saute garlic and ginger in butter. Add onion and continue to sautee. Add water as needed until everything is soft. Add greens and put lid on until greens are wilted. You can also use frozen spinach or other but cook this in the microwave and drain first before adding. Add tomato paste and coriander/cumin and let it all reduce. Add water as needed.
When reduced, add cottage and blend in blender or with a stick blender until desired consistency is reached. I like mine creamy smooth but some prefer this dish a bit chunky. Return to pan to heat. Finish with a squeeze of lemon.
4.) lettuce (all kinds): salad (duh) but also use as “wraps” for roll-ups with any veggie, meat, cheese, whatever. Also makes a handy “taco shell.”
5.) bamboo shoots: I use this in my quick hot and sour Chinese soup. Mushrooms and/or mung beans can be added to this at your discretion.
Hot and Sour Soup (on the fly).
one dash tobacco or sriacha.
Add bamboo shoots, mushrooms, mung beans if desired.
Combine all ingredients in a mug, heat for 1-1 ½ minutes in microwave oven and enjoy.
6.) summer squash (yellow squash, zucchini): try “Zoodles,” noodles made with summer squash. I like these in chicken soup or with a marinara sauce. Use them in place of noodles in a Chinese lo mein.
7.) celery: use with any dip, stuff with almond or other nut butter or just snack on ‘em plain.
8.) radish: the flavor isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but if you like them, snack on.
9.) mushrooms: can be added to salads, soups, casseroles, omelets. Pickled mushrooms make a good snack (more probiotics). Mushrooms can be stuffed with almost anything and they make a delicious appetizer.
10.) asparagus
11.) mung beans
12.) turnips: people eat turnips cooked and mashed like they eat mashed potatoes. A good other choice but cauli-tatoes are still my fave.
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