There Is Relief For GERD – But Why Take Our Word For It?
Written by Wellness Club on March 12, 2009 – 11:43 pm -Some of our HealthBeat articles draw more comment from readers than others – and one that has gotten plenty of responses was Dr. Myatt’s article explaining just why antacids and "acid blockers" (think "Little Purple Pill") are so very wrong and unhealthy.
What’s Burning you? The Real Cause Of Gerd And Heartburn has been one of our most popular and useful articles yet for many of our readers.
Amelia recently wrote with these very nice comments:
Thank you for telling the truth about "excess stomach acid!" I chanced upon a book years ago by a psychologist who recommended that her patients with heartburn take HCl. It sounded so counter-intuitive!
Still, I was desperate, and I tried it. For the first time in decades, I could eat and not have so much gas and bloating within minutes after that it was hard to breathe. I could leave the house in the morning without a three-roll pack of Tums or Rolaids and make it through the day without heartburn. Since then, I make sure I always have betaine HCl on hand.
I wish MDs were really trained about the body, nutrition, etc., but their masters who rely on them to push drugs will never permit it…!
Amelia, we are so happy that we have been able to help!
Nurse Mark
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