CoQ10: The Marketing Wars Continue

Written by Wellness Club on April 21, 2015 – 11:40 am -

By Nurse Mark


Coenzyme Q10 is a nutrient vital to the energy processes of all our cells. It is also known as ubiquinone, ubidecarenone, and coenzyme Q, and is commonly abbreviated as CoQ10.

CoQ10 is one of the more popular supplements and there is a lot of confusion about just what it is and what is the best form of CoQ10.

We have written often about CoQ10, and I encourage you to review those articles to get ‘up to speed’ on the ins and outs of CoQ10:

Ubiquinone, Ubiquinol, CoQ10: What’s Real, What’s Not.

Ubiquinone (CoQ10) versus Ubiquinol: Which Is Better?

This Supplement Slashes Cardiac Death Risk By Half

Here is a recent question sent in to us by a reader:

There are SO many CoQ-10 products out there. I would like to hear your take on Qunol. Specifically the liquid, pharmaceutical Grade Ubiquinone. I’d also like to hear your (hopefully slams) on Ubidecarenone which I’m told is a synthetic form.

Many supplement sellers take advantage of all the confusion in order to hype their own particular brand of CoQ10 over everyone else’s. A page taken directly from the Big Pharma playbook – you know the ads; “Fall asleep faster with liquid Druginex!” or “Headmax is better for headaches – it’s gelcap formulation goes to work on pain right away!” There seems to be always some new wrinkle that makes drugs better, faster, stronger – and makes for bigger sales.

So it is with CoQ10. Micronized, water soluble, liquid microspheres, softgels, nanoparticles, chewables, capsules, you-name-it, it has all been hyped as “the Best!”

Others like to tout their product as “pharmaceutical grade.” Just what the heck is “pharmaceutical grade,” anyway? Is that like “professional strength” or “contractor quality” or “heavy duty” or “trusted by doctors”? Let’s put it this way – it had better be “pharmaceutical grade” if I am going to take it or if The Wellness Club is going to sell it – we have a Quality Control Audit process that makes our suppliers cringe!

Then there are the three forms of CoQ10: fully oxidized (ubiquinone,) partly reduced (semiquinone or ubisemiquinone,) and fully reduced (ubiquinol.) Confused yet? You are not alone – and there are sellers of each of these forms that will gladly tell you that their form is the very best.

What they don’t tell you is that your body happily cycles CoQ10 through all of these forms, over and over again as it uses each form for it’s specific purposes.

And then, to add more confusion, there is a synthetic analog of CoQ10 called Idebenone – that is claimed to have far better absorbability from the gut. That much is true – unfortunately it also undergoes significant “first-pass” metabolism in the liver, and research has shown that 1% or less actually reaches the circulation. Oops… But don’t dismiss it entirely, there is research underway for it’s use in some specific medical conditions, it is thought to be effective as a part of an anti-aging program, and it is used topically for wrinkles.

And Qunol? This is a brand name for a “solubilized” form of CoQ10. The company claims that it is both water and lipid soluble, and is better than all other forms of CoQ10 – a tall claim indeed. Is it really better, or is this just another sales wrinkle? Who knows – they aren’t offering any scientific evidence to back up their claim to being “the gold standard”…

So there you have it – the marketing wars rage on for CoQ10, with each seller vying for a larger share of “the market.” How to pick the best? Do your homework, and be careful to not fall for marketing hype – if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. And remember, when it comes to CoQ10, price is often a good indicator of quality and purity and potency – shop carefully and avoid the “bargain brands.” A “bargain” that doesn’t work is no bargain at all – it is a waste of money!

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Dr Myatt in Car Crash: Lesson Learned

Written by Wellness Club on March 10, 2015 – 3:01 pm -

By Dr. Myatt


Hi Folks:

Well, that was more excitement than I bargained for when I took a friend to lunch. I’m alright, thanks for asking, but the car was totaled.

We took Cindy’s Volkswagen Jetta because she "just loves this car" and wanted me to ride in it. Nice car. Nice lunch.

On the way home, as we slowed to make a right turn, we heard a loud "pop" and the car stopped moving. "What happened?" she asked me. "We just got hit" I diagnosed.

Sure enough, a big delivery truck had rear-ended her lovely little car. Our seatbelts and the car both worked well to protect us and we did not seem to have any injuries. I say "seem" because "whiplash," a strain-sprain of the back and neck muscles, and MTBI — mild traumatic brain injury— can occur in such accidents even when people appear to be OK.

The vehicle that hit us was a "box truck," a good-sized delivery vehicle – perhaps a 1-ton truck.

It’s front grill was 16 feet behind the wreck, so it had pushed us some distance when it hit. Everything happened so fast, I didn’t realized we were pushed.

The Jetta’s trunk was crushed into the back seat, the back window shattered.

My friend and I, and the young man who hit us, were all able to get out of the vehicles. No one was bleeding, no broken bones.

The traffic was light when we were hit. We were doing about 15 miles per hour and the lane we were in was clear when we pulled into it. I don’t know where the truck came from.

I asked the driver what he was doing that he hadn’t seen us. "I dunno; I was looking down and when I looked up…"

Ahh. "DWI"Driving While Inattentive. Probably texting or messing with a cell phone is my guess. Cell phone use is a more common cause of vehicle accidents today than drunk driving. And since more people yak on a cell phone while driving than drive while drunk, cell phone use represents a major cause of motor vehicle accidents.

So, Cindy is getting a new car; another Jetta I’m betting. That little car did just what it was supposed to do -  it gave it’s life to protect us. But every good story has a moral, and here’s mine with a bonus extra.

One: Always wear your seat belt. We likely would have sustained serious injury being impacted that hard without our belts.

Two: HANG UP AND DRIVE – the life you save might be your own! (or mine)

On that note, please watch this brief but important "crash" experiment.



Strayer, D. L., Drews, F. A., and Crouch, D. L. A comparison of the cell phone driver and the drunk driver. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2006 (Summer), 381-391; University of Utah.

Pickrell, T. M. (2014, February). Driver Electronic Device Use in 2012. (Traffic Safety Facts Research Note. Report No. DOT HS 811 884). Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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Is There A “Silver Bullet” For Disease?

Written by Wellness Club on August 28, 2014 – 2:22 pm -

By Nurse Mark


Yes, Maybe There is!

In today’s frightening world of SARS, MRSA, Ebola, HIV, hepatitis B, herpes, candida, and even the terrifyingly antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” everyone is looking for the “Silver Bullet” – the one miraculous treatment for all these things – something that works, and doesn’t have side-effects just as bad as the disease it is treating. Oh, and it should be inexpensive too…

Has this wonderful, elusive “Silver Bullet” been right under our noses all this time? Yep, looks like it has…

Silver has been used as an antimicrobial throughout history.

Ancient Phoenicians kept water and other liquids in silver coated bottles to discourage contamination by microbes.

Many readers may remember the days of fresh milk in “real” glass bottles – and that granny would place a silver coin in the bottle to preserve freshness and prevent spoiling.

The expression “Born with a silver spoon in the mouth” is rooted in old tradition – as the children of wealthy parents would be given a silver spoon to suck and teethe on, and the wealthy have long known the benefits of silver dishes and cutlery in preventing food-borne illness.

Silver containing drops have been applied to the eyes of newborns since the late 1800′s to prevent blindness caused by infection – though this practice has declined as drug companies insist that their patented antibiotic drops be used instead.

During the early years of the 20th century silver was used in the treatment of wounds and silver-containing creams are used today in the treatment of burns.

Silver is a natural, powerful antibiotic – it is bactericidal, and kills fungus and viruses on contact. (1, 2) Researchers have stated:

Silver nanoparticles have mainly been studied for their antimicrobial potential against bacteria, but have also proven to be active against several types of viruses including human imunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, herpes simplex virus, respiratory syncytial virus, and monkey pox virus.


SNP [Silver NanoParticles] also exhibited good antifungal activity (50% inhibition at 75 microg/mL with antifungal index 55.5% against Aspergillus niger and MIC of 25 microg/mL against Candida albicans).

Colloidal silver is not known to be toxic at any dose – though prolonged ingestion of large amounts may cause a cosmetic condition known as argyria – an otherwise harmless bluish discoloration of the skin.

There is even research that suggests that colloidal silver may be an effective treatment for breast cancer! (3) A Mexican study in 2010 concluded:

“The present results showed that colloidal silver might be a potential alternative agent for human breast cancer therapy.”

Another group of researchers found that silver showed promise as a treatment for hepatitis B: (6)

Silver nanoparticles could inhibit the in vitro production of HBV RNA and extracellular virions. We hypothesize that the direct interaction between these nanoparticles and HBV double-stranded DNA or viral particles is responsible for their antiviral mechanism.

There are even some authorities who claim that Colloidal Silver is effective against the Ebola virus. It must be noted however that our government sources such as the FDA and CDC have stated that silver is useless, dangerous, ineffective, and must not be used to treat such things as Ebola (or anything else!).

Here at The Wellness Club we cannot find solid scientific evidence that Colloidal Silver has been specifically effective against the Ebola Virus. However, since it is so highly effective against many other difficult viruses and bacteria, and because Big Pharma and Big Medicine has nothing else to offer except some elusive, highly experimental drugs, you can be sure that we are keeping a supply on-hand for ourselves – just in case!

Colloidal Silver is a Safe and Natural Antibiotic

Colloidal Silver has been used in Western medicine since the 19th century as an anti-microbial agent for its wide range of bactericidal, fungicidal and anti-viral properties. Unlike other heavy metals, colloidal silver is virtually non-toxic to humans and animals and has a long history of successful use in medicine and public health. Colloidal silver is useful for speeding wound healing, preventing infection in burn patients, treating intestinal infections, purifying water and preserving beverages.

As a Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial Colloidal Silver kills over 650 different disease organisms including gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, spore-forming bacteria, fungus and yeasts including Aspergillus, Candida albicans, viruses, protozoal parasites, 95% of 72 strains of herpes virus, and the malaria-causing Plasmodium berghei. The medical literature reports that colloidal silver routinely kills bacteria known to be antibiotic-resistant, often at surprisingly low concentrations.

Colloidal Silver is useful for:

  • Intestinal infections
  • E. coli infections
  • Sinus infections
  • Food poisoning
  • The common cold and other viral infections
  • Thrush (candida)
  • Ear infections
  • Herpes
  • Burns
  • Skin infections

Suggested use: one teaspoon, twice per day. For topical use, apply undiluted.

Colloidal Silver can also be used in a spray form, to combat nasal and sinus infections, or even as a safe and beneficial moisturizing nasal spray.

There are a lot of colloidal silver products on the market, and even instructions for do-it-yourself colloidal silver. Quality however is a concern and it is wise to get your colloidal silver from a trustworthy source with a reputation for quality. Once again, as with most supplements, price can be an indicator of quality and “bargain brands” are no bargain if they contain no silver or are not pure, or may even have adulterants or contaminants!

Dr. Myatt offers a physician’s grade of colloidal silver in both liquid and vertical spray (nasal spray) forms – find more information here.

Regarding Hand Sanitizers:

“Hand sanitizers” have become popular in recent years, but few people know their actual contents or risks.

Most hand sanitizers contain substantial concentrations of alcohol. While alcohol is effective as an antimicrobial, it is also harsh on skin – as anyone who has ever accidentally rubbed alcohol into a cut or scratch can attest! Alcohol also poses serious poisoning risks to children.

Most hand sanitizers also contain a variety of other chemicals, from perfumes to pesticides. That’s right, pesticides!

A common chemical used in hand sanitizers is triclosan – which was first registered with the EPA as a pesticide in 1969. (4) While it is effective as an antimicrobial, it is being found to have thyroid and hormone-disruptive effects. (5)

Triclosan has been shown to disrupt thyroid homeostasis in mammalian models (Paul et al. 2010; Rodríguez and Sanchez 2010), and current human exposure levels are in the range of those predicted to have this activity based on laboratory tests (Rotroff et al. 2010). Triclocarban has been shown to amplify endogenous androgen response in mammalian models (Chen et al. 2008).

These are not products that we should be slathering on our hands with out thought for their dangers!

Fortunately, there is an alternative!

ASAP 365 – 24 ppm Silver Gel Soothes Damaged And Injured Skin And Promotes Healing.

It is a highly effective, safe, everyday, natural healing alternative to chemical-laced hand sanitizers.

Dr. Myatt recommends colloidal silver gel both for it’s valuable effects in soothing and healing damaged skin and for daily use as a non-toxic hand sanitizer. This gel rubs in quickly and easily, is non-greasy, and contains no perfumes or dangerous chemicals. It is a valuable addition to a natural first-aid kit for treating minor burns, wounds, fungal and bacterial infections – there are even those who swear by colloidal silver fir the treatment of “Cold Sores” and “Fever Blisters”, and scientific research supports their belief in it’s effectiveness! (1)

ASAP 365 Silver Gel, with it’s non-prescription strength of 24 ppm (parts per million) is gentle enough for everyday use and safe even when used multiple times daily, while being potent enough to be highly effective as an antimicrobial hand sanitizer. This 1.5 fl oz tube is perfect for purse or pocket and is a must-have for your natural first aid kit.

ASAP 365 – 24 ppm Silver Gel is effective, safe, and inexpensive – Dr. Myatt and I carry this with us whenever we travel and use it often – and we don’t use chemical-laden “hand sanitizers”!

Why not keep these “Silver Bullets” in your medicine cabinet, ready for use at the first sign of infection. If you catch something and need to order them, it’s already too late!

1.) Galdiero S, Falanga A, Vitiello M, Cantisani M, Marra V, Galdiero M., Department of Experimental Medicine, II University of Naples, Via De Crecchio 7, 80138, Naples, Italy., Silver nanoparticles as potential antiviral agents. Molecules. 2011 Oct 24;16(10):8894-918.

2.) Jain J, Arora S, Rajwade JM, Omray P, Khandelwal S, Paknikar KM. Centre for Nanobioscience, Agharkar Research Institute, India. Silver nanoparticles in therapeutics: development of an antimicrobial gel formulation for topical use. Mol Pharm. 2009 Sep-Oct;6(5):1388-401.

3.) Franco-Molina MA, Mendoza-Gamboa E, Sierra-Rivera CA, Gómez-Flores RA, Zapata-Benavides P, Castillo-Tello P, Alcocer-González JM, Miranda-Hernández DF, Tamez-Guerra RS, Rodríguez-Padilla C., Laboratorio de Inmunología y Virología, Departamento de Microbiología e Inmunología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, San Nicolás de los Garza, N, L, México. Antitumor activity of colloidal silver on MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2010 Nov 16;29:148.


5.) Robin E. Dodson, Marcia Nishioka, Laurel J. Standley, Laura J. Perovich, Julia Green Brody, and Ruthann A. Rudel, Endocrine Disruptors and Asthma-Associated Chemicals in Consumer Products, Environ Health Perspect. 2012 July; 120(7): 935–943. Published online 2012 March 8.

6.) Lu L et al, Silver nanoparticles inhibit hepatitis B virus replication. Antivir Ther. 2008;13(2):253-62.

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This Supplement Slashes Cardiac Death Risk By Half

Written by Wellness Club on August 15, 2014 – 11:23 am -

By Nurse Mark


This should be all over the news – but it’s not. Why? Because it’s not a drug!

If Big Pharma managed to come up with a drug that could slash the risk of cardiac death by half they would be demanding that it be given to everyone from infancy to death, and even added to the food and water supply.

Does that sound over-the-top? Do you think I’m exaggerating? Well, I’m not, really. Just look at the hysteria of statin drugs – with doctors, urged on by Big Pharma, suggesting that these dangerous cholesterol drugs be given to young children and with some doctors even suggesting adding statins to water supplies!

So, just think – a drug that could slash the risk of cardiac death by half – what a block-buster!

But it’s not a drug – it’s a supplement that you can buy over-the-counter, no prescription needed. It’s not patentable and therefore there really isn’t any profit in it for Big Pharma, so you are really not likely to ever hear about it from them or from your conventional doctor.

So, what is this amazing supplement?

It’s our old friend CoQ10!

According to the Science Daily article that discusses a placebo-controlled study conducted in Europe called Q-SYMBIO:

Coenzyme Q10 decreases all cause mortality by half, according to new results. It is the first drug to improve heart failure mortality in over a decade and should be added to standard treatment, according to experts.


Wow! Does this sound too good to be true? Does this sound like “puffery” on the part of Science Daily?

Maybe – but let’s look at the conclusions of the scientific abstract for the presentation that was made by the researchers to the 2013 conference of the European Society of Cardiology in Lisbon: (edited for readability – full abstract can be found below)

CoQ10 treated patients had significantly lower cardiovascular mortality and lower occurrence of hospitalizations for Heart Failure. All cause mortality was also lower in the CoQ10 group, 18 patients vs. 36 patients in the placebo-group. There were fewer adverse events in the CoQ10 group compared to the placebo group.


The dose of CoQ10 used to achieve this life-saving effect? A mere 100 mg taken three times a day.

What else is CoQ10 good for?

CoQ10 is a potent antioxidant and is vital to the energy functions of all the cells in our bodies. Learn more here.

What about the “New” kind of CoQ10 – ubiquinol – is it really better?

Ubiquinol and ubiquinone are two sides of the same coin – the body converts one to the other and back again. There is no solid proof that the much-hyped “new” form of CoQ10 called ubiquinol is any “better” than ubiquinone which we have been using for many years. Learn more here.

But CoQ10 can be so darned expensive! Are the “bargain” brands any good? I need to watch my pennies!

Yes, good quality CoQ10 is expensive. The best is made using a patented process by a Japanese company using a yeast-based process that yields a very absorbable and pure “trans” (i.e.: bio-identical – the same as your own cells make) form of CoQ10. Many bargain brands use a process that extracts a “cis” or synthetic analog form from tobacco leaves. The patented Japanese process is quite an expensive one but we believe that the “trans” form, that is, identical to that made naturally by our body, is the preferable form and worth the extra expense. The price may come down somewhat on the Japanese process CoQ10 since the Japanese company has built a facility in the US. Learn more here.

Here is perhaps the best way to figure out your costs for CoQ10 so that you can see what might be the most economical way to take it: figure out the price per milligram (mg) for different forms. For example, Dr. Myatt sells a very high quality CoQ10 in 50 and 100 mg softgel capsules. The price works out to around a penny per milligram. She also makes available a high potency form of CoQ10 from Vitaline in 300 mg and 400 mg chewable wafers. This is the brand that was used in the N.I.H. Parkinson’s study and is known to be of the very highest quality. Though the bottles of this high dose CoQ10 might seem shockingly expensive at first glance, the cost per milligram is actually less – at just over a half-penny per mg. Despite the “sticker shock” the Vitaline CoQ10 is actually quite a bargain!

Watching our pennies is certainly important for us all, but we need to be careful not to lose sight of the price versus value equation. And, what good are all those pennies if you don’t have your health?



Science Daily Article:

First drug to significantly improve heart failure mortality in over a decade. May 25, 2013 European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
Summary: Coenzyme Q10 decreases all cause mortality by half, according to new results. It is the first drug to improve heart failure mortality in over a decade and should be added to standard treatment, according to experts.

Abstract of the presentation of results from the Q-SYMBIO study:

The effect of coenzyme Q10 on morbidity and mortality in chronic heart failure. Results from the Q-SYMBIO study
Authors: SA Mortensen [et al]

On behalf: The Q-SYMBIO study investigators

Citation: European Journal of Heart Failure ( 2013 ) 15 ( S1 ), S20

Dysfunction of bioenergetics and energy starvation of the myocardium may be a dominant feature of heart failure (HF) and attention is directed towards a support of the myocardial metabolism. The myocardial tissue level of the essential redox component of the respiratory chain Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has been found inversely related to the severity of HF. We investigated the effects of CoQ10 on patients symptoms, functional capacity and biomarker status (NT-proBNP) and the long-term outcome with morbidity and mortality.

Methods: HF patients in New York Heart Association (NYHA) Class III or IV who were receiving current pharmacologic therapy were randomly assigned in parallel groups to CoQ10 100 mg three times daily versus placebo. The primary long-term endpoint was the time to first MACE (major adverse cardiovascular event) including unplanned hospitalization due to worsening of HF, cardiovascular death, urgent cardiac transplantation and mechanical support, using a time to first event analysis.

Results: A total of 420 patients – CoQ10 (N=202), placebo (N=218) – were enrolled with a follow-up time of 2 years. After 3 months there was a trend with a reduced level of NT-proBNP in the CoQ10 group. After 2 years there was a significant improvement of the NYHA Class in the CoQ10 group (p=0.047). The primary endpoint was reached by 29 patients in the CoQ10 group, as compared with 55 patients in the placebo group (14 percent vs. 25 percent; hazard ratio CoQ10 vs. placebo: 2.0 (95% CI: 1.3-3.2); P=0.003) by intention to treat analysis. CoQ10 treated patients had significantly lower cardiovascular mortality (p=0.02) and lower occurrence of hospitalizations for HF (p=0.05). All cause mortality was also lower in the CoQ10 group, 18 patients vs. 36 patients in the placebo-group (9 percent vs. 17 percent; hazard ratio CoQ10 vs. placebo: 2.1 (95% CI: 1.2-3.8); p=0.01). There were fewer adverse events in the CoQ10 group compared to the placebo group (p=0.073).

Conclusions: Q-SYMBIO is the first double-blind trial in chronic HF addressing whether CoQ10 supplementation might improve survival. The CoQ10 treated patients had reduced hospital admission rates for worsening HF and lower cardiovascular death both of which may reflect a significant improvement in cardiac function. CoQ10 treatment was safe with a reduced all cause mortality rate. CoQ10 should be considered as a part of the maintenance therapy of patients with chronic HF.

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Hepatitis: Bane Of The Baby Boomers

Written by Wellness Club on March 6, 2014 – 10:59 am -

By Nurse Mark


Hepatitis C has been much in the news lately, with some articles even going so far as to call it “a new epidemic” affecting millions of “Baby Boomers” – those of us born between 1945 and 1965.

Why have Baby Boomers been hit so hard by this disease? Is it because of drug use, or was it the “sexual revolution” of the ’60′s? Maybe it was environmental toxins or harmful diet or alcohol use? Blood transfusions and medical procedures? Compromised immunity?

Blame has been laid on all of these things and more and the truth is it could be any of these things or it may be none – everyone is different and yet all are the same in that the virus that causes Hep. C can cause devastating damage to the liver and to the quality of life of those infected with it.

Dr. Myatt has been successfully treating Hepatitis C for many years – she does it the old fashioned way, with detailed case study and carefully planned treatment programs. Dietary changes, nutritional optimization, carefully targeted herbal supplements, and other therapies all come together to offer profound results and relief for Dr. Myatt’s patients.

In a recent article titled “Nearly 3 Million Americans Living With Hepatitis C” the conventional Big Pharma website WebMD accurately describes the scope of the problem and the concern that the government’s CDC (Centers for Disease Control) has about the potential for both the suffering and expense that this emerging “epidemic” represents. They also hint at a solution – new drugs. But are drugs the only answer?

Naturopathic and other holistic medical practitioners have long-known that the liver is an amazingly forgiving and resilient organ, able to sustain enormous damage and insults and then heal itself and return to good function when the stress is removed.

The trick is to remove the offending toxin or other stress and to know what things are supportive and healing to the liver, and also what things are not helpful.

Dr. Myatt has shared some of her approaches on her page discussing Hepatitis C, and on another page discusses one of the premier herbs for liver support, Milk Thistle.

Milk thistle (silybum marianum) has been the subject of over 100 clinical trials, primarily exploring it’s role in liver disease. It powerfully protects the liver from the effects of environmental toxins (such as carbon tetrachloride, acetaminophen, iron overload, mushroom poisoning). It is used in Emergency Room medicine in Europe for exposure to liver-toxic agents. Milk thistle is a powerful antioxidant, especially to the liver. It also stimulates liver cell regeneration. It has been proven useful for all types of liver disease, including alcoholic liver sclerosis, hepatitis, protection from environmental toxins, and protection from the liver-toxic effects of many drugs.

So, what about those new drugs that WebMD is talking about? They are not the only ones talking about these drugs; there has been much discussion about them as they are fantastically expensive – as much as $1000 per pill and up to $168,000 for a course of treatment. No wonder the government is worried about this disease!

Even so, when compared to the cost of conventional treatment for the liver damage that Hepatitis C causes, these drugs may be a bargain as they are claiming to provide good “cure” rates and minimal side effects. They will certainly be less expensive than liver transplants and the lifetime of anti-rejection drugs that follow, and can anyone really put a price on the suffering that chronic Hep. C inflicts on it’s victims?

Here at The Wellness Club we are not anti-drug at all – we simply feel that there is a time and a place for everything, and we tend to resort to drugs only when they are absolutely necessary. Gentler, more natural treatments are often all that is needed, and when the “big guns” (drugs) must be brought to bear, natural treatments can work synergistically with pharmaceutical treatments boosting their effectiveness and reducing their side effects.

We will be following these promising new drugs with interest!

And stay tuned as we present more news, updates and information about Hepatitis C in the coming weeks…

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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. No information on this website is intended as personal medical advice and should not take the place of a doctor's care.