How Long Will It Take To Improve Bone Density And Reverse Osteoporosis?
Written by Wellness Club on November 19, 2008 – 3:37 pm -Carole recently purchased some supplements from us, and wrote with her questions – the reply to which is a good review for all…
Dear Dr.,
I ordered two products to help fight the effects of osteoporosis. My test results show a negative 3.2 T-score. I am wondering how long it takes for the results of ingesting the multi vitamin [a one-a-day type], cal-mag amino and strontium (I just ordered these two from your site) to effect a change in my bone density? Also, will my bone return to normal after a period of time or is this impossible or unlikely? My doctor wants to put me on a prescription and I am not eager to do so.
Thank you,
Dr. Myatt replies:
Hi Carole:
Here are my dosage recommendations for supplements in osteoporosis:
Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Optimal doses (not minimal doses) of B complex vitamins, C, D, K, calcium, magnesium, vanadium, zinc, and boron are particularly important for strong bones. A "once per day" vitamin supplement does not supply anything close to an optimal daily dose of the necessary bone nutrients.
Cal-Mag Amino: Post-menopausal females take 1 cap, 3 times per day with meals in addition to the 1,000:500 mg from Maxi Multi. (Target: 1200-1500 mg/day calcium, 500-800 mg/day magnesium for post-menopausal women. Men and peri-menopausal females get sufficient calcium/magnesium/boron from Maxi Multi).
Strontium : 1 capsule, 1-2 times per day with or between meals (take separately from calcium). One capsule per day is advised for prevention, 2 caps per day for those at high risk of osteoporosis or in already-established cases of osteoporosis.
NOTE: Maxi Multi does not contain strontium. If you see a "bone formula" with strontium, don’t take it. Strontium should be taken away from calcium and magnesium for best absorption.
Of course, diet and lifestyle play a role in "how fast" your bones will rebuild. My full Osteoporosis recommendations are here. You can also Learn more here on the strontium page
Some of the studies showed 3% increase in bone density within one year. This compares WAY favorably to bisphophonate drugs (which as you may know, act by killing off the bone cells responsible for "remodeling").
Since individuals are all different (you knew that, right?) , I can’t say for sure. But I can tell you that strontium in combination with adequate bone minerals (calcium, magnesium, boron, vanadium) and other essential nutrient, good diet, weight-bearing exercise (such as walking) build bone as fast or faster than bisphosphonate drugs and the "side effects’ are better overall health!
Hope this helps and let me know how it goes.
In Health,
Dr. Myatt
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