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HealthBeat Education: Medical Terminology Definitions

Written by Wellness Club on April 17, 2008 – 1:18 pm -

As you know, we at The Wellness Club are dedicated to educating and thereby empowering our HealthBeat readers. Knowing that medical terminology is difficult and confusing to many laypersons, we are pleased to present the following list of definitions of medical terms. Artery: The study of paintings. Bacteria: Back door to cafeteria. Barium: What doctors do […]

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Dog Logic

Written by Wellness Club on April 2, 2008 – 7:46 pm -

Those who know us here at The Wellness Club know that we love our animals. There is much we can learn from our furry friends – see if these photos and quotations don’t make you smile… Check out our page of Dog Logic!

Posted in Funnies, Mental Health, Pet Health | Comments Off

Important Scientific Discovery Announced!

Written by Wellness Club on March 20, 2008 – 5:25 pm -

As you know, Dr. Myatt and her research team strive to be constantly on the cutting edge of science, so that we can provide the very latest and most up-to-date information to our patients and readers. As a consequence we are pleased to share the following important scientific breakthrough with you: A major research institution […]

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Regarding The “Nude Firemen” Calendars:

Written by Wellness Club on March 6, 2008 – 4:22 pm -

Each year any number of photographers create nude and semi-nude images of firemen, usually in support of some charity or other. Most of these photos are tastefully done, some are truly works of art. Posing for one of these projects is not easy – we salute these young people who are willing to “bare all” […]

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The Peanuts Philosophy…

Written by Wellness Club on February 22, 2008 – 2:37 pm -

The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the ‘Peanuts’ comic strip. You don’t have to actually answer the questions, just read this straight through, and you’ll get the point. 1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world. 2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners. 3. Name the last five […]

Posted in Funnies, Mental Health, Uncategorized | Comments Off
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