Compliments And Questions
Written by Wellness Club on October 7, 2009 – 5:09 pm -Questions And Compliments
By Nurse Mark
We get plenty of questions, and sometimes compliments. We especially like to receive the compliments…
Heather writes:
I just finished reading your book “Physician’s Diary”. I thought it was fantastic. I have come to the conclusion that people get better despite Modern Medicine. I want to find alternatives to the present medications that I am taking. I have PTSD (Police Officer) and am currently coming off Effexor. I plan on using St Johns Wort. Can you tell me what dose would typically be acceptable? Also I have high BP. Is there some alternative to using ACE Inhibitors? Thanks for all the wonderful work you are doing!
Heather, I’m glad you found Dr. Myatt’s book A Physician’s Diary helpful as so many others have.
With regard to PTSD, Effexor, and alternatives such as St. John’s wort I hope you will read my recent reply to Kimberly on the subject of neurotransmitters. Much of the advice to her will be useful for you as well.
For your high blood pressure, please see our webpage with information and recommendations for Hypertension. There you’ll find information to get you started, and if those self-help measures don’t do the trick for you as well as you would like you’ll want to consider a consultation with Dr. Myatt. Hypertension is easily controlled without drugs in most cases which is a great thing since all the current drugs prescribed for hypertension come with unpleasant side effects.
Some great information about cardiovascular health can be found in a previous HealthBeat News article called ‘Want To Do Something About Your Heart Health?’ – it is well worth a read.
Thanks for your kind words Heather, and we thank you for your service to us as a police officer – a dangerous and often thankless job if there ever was one!
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