Is There A Natural First Aid Kit?
Written by Wellness Club on October 4, 2011 – 11:50 am -We often receive questions from folks who want to know what they should have on hand as part of a natural “first aid kit.” This is in addition to the standard bandaids, dressings, zinc ointment, peroxide, and other wound and boo-boo care items. Here are some recommendations that Dr. Myatt recently sent to one of her “Inner Circle” patients – please follow the links to a more in-depth description of each item in this list.
Dr. Myatt recommends that everyone have these items on hand in order to help ward off cooties and other problems at the pass.
- Activated charcoal
- Bromelain
- Inspirol
- Goldenseal caps
- B.A.M. tincture (Broad Anti-Microbial)
OR - Immune Support caps (tincture keeps almost forever if stored with care)
- Vitamin C (high potency caps or crystals)
And some condition specifics:
For anyone with a history of chronic/recurrent sinusitis – be SURE to have goldenseal, Inspirol, bromelain, nasosympatico essential oil blend or pure essential oil of lavendar or tea tree
With a history of urinary tract infection: have D-mannose on hand.
Anyone with a history of heart problems: bromelain, magnesium glycinate, cayenne/lobelia tincture
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