FDA Puts New Warnings On Cholesterol Drugs
Written by Wellness Club on February 28, 2012 – 7:48 pm -Are You Still Taking A Statin For Your Cholesterol? Shame On You!
FDA Puts New Warnings On Cholesterol Drugs
By Nurse Mark
It’s been all over the news headlines and the television news reports for the last couple of days – the FDA has finally had to acknowledge that statin drugs are far more dangerous than they had ever admitted before.
But don’t worry the FDA assures us, ever the good little lap-dogs of Big Pharma, the benefits of driving your levels of a natural substance essential to life to dangerously low levels far outweigh any silly little side effects like memory loss or confusion or diabetes…
I suppose they figure that they can just prescribe another drug for the confusion, and more drugs for the diabetes, and the memory loss – what memory loss? If it was really important you would have remembered it, right? Just as long as you don’t forget to fill that prescription…
And remember how they used to warn you that there was a danger that these drugs could cause liver damage? It was so well-known that even the FDA recommended that doctors keep an eye on it with regular blood tests. Well, no more! Don’t worry, says the FDA – it doesn’t happen that often, and there isn’t much we can do about it if it does happen, and all those tests didn’t really give us any warning anyway, so just keep on taking your statin drugs and hope there is a liver available for you when yours goes kaput. They really are getting good at those transplants, and besides, what a great opportunity to put someone on a lifetime regimen of expensive anti-rejection drugs!
Okay, okay, I’ll turn off the sarcasm now… But this really is serious business.
Here is an excerpt from the “Safety Announcement” at the FDA’s website:
Monitoring Liver Enzymes
Labels have been revised to remove the need for routine periodic monitoring of liver enzymes in patients taking statins. The labels now recommend that liver enzyme tests should be performed before starting statin therapy and as clinically indicated thereafter. FDA has concluded that serious liver injury with statins is rare and unpredictable in individual patients, and that routine periodic monitoring of liver enzymes does not appear to be effective in detecting or preventing serious liver injury.Adverse Event Information
Information about the potential for generally non-serious and reversible cognitive side effects (memory loss, confusion, etc.) and reports of increased blood sugar and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels has been added to the statin labels. FDA continues to believe that the cardiovascular benefits of statins outweigh these small increased risks.
I don’t know about you, but these little paragraphs frighten me. Just as much as the “small increased risks.”
It’s just my opinion, but to me any memory loss or confusion or other “cognitive side effects” are serious – even if they claim that they are “reversible.” Can you imagine the conversation? “Golly officer, I don’t remember getting onto the freeway going in the wrong direction – and all those honking horns and flashing lights, well I just didn’t comprehend them. I was a little confused I guess…”
Remember, the drug companies are pushing doctors to prescribe these drugs to schoolchildren, prophylactically. That is, “just in case they might be at risk to get high cholesterol” – this truly is a conspiracy to keep America dumbed-down, sick, and dependant on Big Pharma!
We have written about the dangers of statins again and again in these pages. Here is a review:
The Truth About Cholesterol Pt.I
The Truth About Cholesterol Pt.II
Meanwhile, Big Pharma and conventional medicine continue to push these toxic drugs on anyone they can – from toddlers to seniors – despite their proven dangers.
When will the insanity end?
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