No Matter What It’s Called, Sugar Is Still Sugar!
Written by Wellness Club on June 26, 2008 – 11:31 pm -Folks, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck – right?
It seems that lots of folks have a real hard time understanding that no matter what it is called, sugar is sugar.
Ron, who asked about what diet to try in a recent letter to us, tapped back in to say that he is going to try to give up the sugars – Bravo! – by using a drink product that contains maltodextrin! Huh? Read on…
Hey Doc, I started tryin’ to break the sugar habit. And taking BHip. and it has Maltodextrin, Is is safe…? BHip is mixed with water and taste great, Better than sodas . What ya think?
Hey Ron,
What part of "For a healthful quick energy drink check out Zip-Fizz." were you having trouble with?
Here is the comparison: | bHip | ZipFiz |
Sugars | 2 gm | 0 gm |
Calories | 24 | 10 |
Carbohydrates | 6 | 2 |
Ron, maltodextrin is just another name for sugar! Maltodextrin is a sweetener made from starches: potato, corn, rice, wheat – it doesn’t matter. It has exactly the same amount of carbohydrates per 1 tsp serving, 5, and calories per serving, 19, as sugar does.
As far as the body is concerned, sugar is sugar is sugar – cane juice, corn syrup, fructose, glucose, maltose, cane sugar, beet sugar, maple syrup, honey – they are all sugar! Even if you call them "all natural" or "organic" they are still sugar!
You are right – anything is better than sodas – but this product still contains sugar!
Hope this clears up the difference between sugar and sugar and sugar for you!
Nurse Mark
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