More Thyroid Questions
Written by Wellness Club on June 24, 2009 – 11:48 am -By Nurse Mark
Thyroid continues to be one of the more common subjects for questions that we receive here, and it seems to be one of the most poorly understood by many folks. And no wonder – thyroid function, thyroid hormones, and hormones in general are a very complicated issue. The internet abounds with "Thyroid Information" – much of it incorrect and misleading – which only adds to the confusion
Marilyn wrote to Dr. Myatt recently:
Does your thyroid cytotrophin contain literally T3 and T4 hormones? Also, does Maca inhibit the thyroid since it is a cruciferous vegetable and contains glucosinates? Please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks so much!
Here is Dr. Myatt’s answer
Hi Marilyn:
Cytotrophin does indeed contain T3 and T4, approximately 1/2 grain per tablet in a 1:5 ratio (T3:T4) as is the ratio made by the body. It cannot be listed on the label (or my website!) because then it is considered a drug and not a supplement.
Glucosinolates can cause goiter (swollen thyroid gland with decreased activity) if taken in excess combined with a low-iodine diet. Though this is documented to occur with other glucosinolate-rich foods, it is not known if maca causes goiter.
Anyone who has demonstrated low thyroid function should have an iodine test to determine if iodine deficiency is the cause of their hypothyroidism, but you probably knew that. And of course, if your iodine levels are low, they should be brought up to sufficiency.
Thanks for your question and I hope these answers are what you were looking for!
In Health,
Dr. Myatt
As you can see, there is nothing simple about thyroid function – and similarly there is nothing simple about what does and does not affect thyroid function. Iodine – a lowly, forgotten mineral – is intimately involved in thyroid function and health.
What is, and is not a goitrogen is also the subject of confusion – this is another area where there are really no absolutes, and everything must be considered in it’s relation to everything else. That is not meant to sound like weasel-words – it is an attempt to describe the intricate and delicately balanced interrelationships and interdependencies of this marvelous machine that is our human body. I recently wrote about goitrogens in the article What is a Goitrogen?
Dr. Myatt has written an excellent resource page on Hypothyroidism and a well-researched article titled Iodine: the "Missing Mineral" for Thyroid, Heart, Healthy Immunity and Cancer Protection. Since Iodine is so intimately tied to thyroid health anyone with thyroid concerns will want to consider testing to determine your Iodine levels. Dr. Myatt is highly skilled at interpreting this Iodine test, and at treating and correcting thyroid problems – a Telephone Consultation is be a wise investment.
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