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Can Herbs In Vitamins Increase Cholesterol?
Written by Wellness Club on March 20, 2008 – 4:25 pm -By Nurse Mark A customer recently called to say that he had been to his doctor and been told that his cholesterol was elevated. Lynn mentioned to his doc that he was taking a multiple vitamin (not Maxi Multi) that contained some herbs, and that his doctor reacted to this by telling him to stop […]
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Two Special Birthdays – Two Free Gifts for YOU!
Written by Wellness Club on March 20, 2008 – 2:30 pm -Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club is Celebrating two special birthdays this month, and we’d like to give you a gift (or two!) to help us celebrate.The first birthday is Dr. Myatt’s. That’s right, The Good Doctor turns 49 years young on March 19th. But please, if you write or email, don’t tell her I told you […]
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The Peanuts Philosophy…
Written by Wellness Club on February 22, 2008 – 2:37 pm -The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the ‘Peanuts’ comic strip. You don’t have to actually answer the questions, just read this straight through, and you’ll get the point. 1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world. 2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners. 3. Name the last five […]
Posted in Funnies, Mental Health, Uncategorized | Comments Off
FDA In Trouble Again – And Ignoring Congressional Subpoenas
Written by Wellness Club on February 19, 2008 – 6:03 pm -It seems that there is no end to the trouble this rogue agency can get itself into. It now appears that the FDA has been ignoring congressional subpoenas for information regarding it’s involvement in the approval of the deadly antibiotic Ketek in spite of knowledge that it was causing liver damage and deaths. Worse, there […]
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Can’t Afford Natural Care And Treatments – So What To Do?
Written by Wellness Club on February 3, 2008 – 4:30 pm -We encounter this same problem, the same requests, over and over and over. The problem is that natural, holistic medical care and therapies and treatments are not generally covered by most "insurance" plans, and because of this many people do without natural care since they simply refuse to pay for it out of their own […]
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