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Hyper Somnolence

A Dangerous Condition In Our Modern, Busy World.

Hyper somnolence is an increasingly important medical condition, especially in today's stress-filled world where some persons may be finding themselves deprived of normal sleep either as a result of hectic schedules or inappropriate sleeping conditions where too many external stimuli can prevent the normal transitioning from the wake cycle to the proper, restorative, and restful sleep cycle. As this condition is of great concern to many HealthBeat readers, we have gathered together a collection of demonstrative images that may be of assistance to those wishing to determine whether they too might be at risk of developing abnormal sleep patterns and behaviors.

Please be warned, these are graphic images which depict the results of this distressing condition and may not be appropriate for all audiences.

It has been reported that certain odors may trigger hyper somnolence. There are also hypotheses that reductions in available oxygen may contribute to this condition. Hopefully this sufferer will not be at risk for permanent brain damage...


It is well-known that finding one's self in a nice, warm, safe environment can sometimes trigger an irresistible urge to sleep.


There are other times when exhaustion  simply overcomes the unfortunate victim, apparently without warning...

This may result in certain dietary problems, possibly even leading to a decrease in dietary intake:

Fortunately, some victims of hyper somnolence recognize their needs, and are able to succumb to their condition while in the care and aid of a trusted friend who can preserve their safety while they are in their defenseless condition.

And then there is that condition of extreme fatigue and sleepiness that seems to often follow a satisfying meal:


Finally, it needs to be recognized that this distressing and debilitating condition may strike sufferers at almost any time and without warning. There can be no doubt that more research is needed into the problem of hyper somnolence, and it is our intention to pursue this as a matter of public service - just as soon as we have finished our nap.


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